

At Radiologie Montérégie, our employees are our most valuable resource.

We have no position to fill at the moment but we do maintain an up to date résume database.

If you are interested in joining our team, please send us your details and your résume by filling out the attached form.

Thank you for your interest in Radiologie Montérégie.

Send your application

    Upload your resume ( .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt )

    150, place Charles-Lemoyne, Local L1-1020,
    CP 5, Longueuil (Québec) J4K 0A8
    stationnement interieur gratuit dans l'edifice de l'universite de sherbrooke
    metro longueuil universite de sherbrooke
    © 2025 Radiologie Montérégie - All rights reserved Code d'éthique

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